Timeline of Benefits of Cold Plunge
Cold Plunge Timeline
10 Seconds
That’s Cold! Nevous system switches to Fight or Flight. Resist the urge to do either and stay in and breathe.
10-45 Seconds
Norepinephrine and dopamine increases - Increased alertness and a feeling of wellbeing takes over
45 Seconds
Breathing and heart rate stabalization - the worst part is over
1 Minute
Congratulate yourself as your Metabolic rate increases 350%
3 Minutes
Cold thermogenesis activates - Fat begins to burn, energy is created and muscle recovery accelerates
Long-Term Benefits of Cold Plunge
Reduced inflammation and faster recovery:
Cold water immersion constricts blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help heal muscle damage and soreness after intense workouts1.
Improved stress management and mood:
Cold water exposure activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers the release of norepinephrine and endorphins, which can enhance attention, focus, energy and happiness. It also teaches you how to control your breathing and calm down your nervous system.
Enhanced immune system and metabolism:
Cold water immersion activates brown fat, which burns calories and clears blood glucose. It also increases the plasma concentration of glutathione, an antioxidant that supports the function of t-cells and natural killer cells2. It also induces changes in blood cell composition that can boost immunity.
Increased mental strength and resilience:
Cold water immersion challenges your mind to overcome fear and discomfort, which can make you more confident and disciplined. It also stimulates cold shock proteins, which can protect and repair brain cells and synapses.
to read more click this link 11 Benefits of Ice Baths and Cold Plunging (michaelkummer.com)